Connecting European Buyers with Serbian Wood Companies
From 16 to 19 October, SIPPO has successfully held the buying mission to Serbian companies for high quality solid wood products.

The buying mission is a good example for the strong partnership of SIPPO with its partners, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Import Promotion Desk IPD and Import Austria IHA.
Buyers from Spain, Czech Republic and Germany met six Serbian producers of parquet and flooring, board panels, furniture elements, windows and, doors. The Serbian companies: Kolarevic, Artinjan parquet LTD, Tara Ltd, Tehnooprema, Drvopromet and Saga drvo were pre-selected by SIPPO and its partners based on preparatory company visits and due to the quality of their products, and their export capacities.
The buying mission to Serbia offered a significant opportunity for the buyers to become familiar with the promising Serbian market, to meet potential suppliers on the spot, and to find new, innovative products. The Buying Mission to Serbia was supported by the Swiss Embassy to Republic Serbia and the networking dinner for the buyers, companies, partners and other stakeholders was hosted by the Mrs. Pauline Menthonnex Gacaferri, Deputy Head of Mission.