SIPPO to launch activities on textile sector in Viet Nam
Last week the “Swiss Import Promotion Program” (SIPPO) kicked off their support to the Value-Added-Textile sector in Vietnam.
From 16 to 25 June 2019, SIPPO has kicked-off the support to Value-Added-Textile sector in Viet Nam with a series of activities including preparation of selected garment exporters for EU markets entry activities in 2019 and 2020, commencement of market intelligence for German market and a full-day training and discussion on Coporate Social Responsibility (CSR), moving up to FOB production for higher value- added and sustainable growth. Business Support Organizations (BSOs) as the program beneficiaries attended the events include Vietnam Industry Agency (VIA), Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) and Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ho Chi Minh (VCCI).