Switzerland, the third coffee consumer country in the world
The Swiss love coffee. In fact, the descendants of William Tell are, after the Germans and Norwegians, those who consume the most coffee in the world.
The Swiss love coffee. In fact, the descendants of William Tell are, after the Germans and Norwegians, those who consume the most coffee in the world.
Last year, the Swiss drank 1 093 cups per person, equivalent to about 2.9 cups a day. The Norwegians are the world champions, with 1 275 cups a day. They are followed by the Germans with 1,246 cups a day. This is the result of a survey by the Swiss Coffee Association CafetierSuisse made public this Monday.
When it comes to choosing where to taste good coffee, the Swiss do not pay attention to expenses. Currently, the cup costs on average about 4.24 francs. In Zurich, 4.42 francs, which is not surprising as it is one of the most expensive cities in the country.
In Bern, on the other hand, it's where coffee is cheaper: just over 4 francs.
Source and more information in https://www.swissinfo.ch